Site News

29th August - The second page of Cundy Party pics added, together with a page on Le Mans. The photo of the house on the home page has been switched to a GIF, with the background made transparent. A site-map component has been added to the home page. I desperately need to add more photos to the sub-pages.

13th August - Jenny has added a few words to the Fashion page, and I’ve also added the Cundy Party page - although the layout of the pictures seems to change from how it looks in Fusion, to how it appears in a browser.

30th July - Only up for four days, and already an update. Just wait for the first flush of enthusiasm to wear off... Anyway, there’s now some text behind About Us, and a set of pages about Martin’s interests, although there’s more - much more - still to come.

26th July 2000 - The site goes live. Woo hoo! Of course, nobody knows it’s here, and there’s almost no content, but why should that stop us? We would have been live a couple of days earlier, but our ISP refused to tell us how to upload it...

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